First of all, I think I will make the posts a little shorter and instead longer when something very new or important has happened.

My third flight was on 31st of July, and we met up before the flight fixing our stuff before going to the hangar. The practice was mostly about trimming the plane at different power settings.

This became my very first own take-off (I did some of the T/O on my second flight also), but after the take-off while climbing out I was getting a little too high and that was followed by a dive. We flew towards the reporting point DEGER and then around in the archipalego between Helsinki and Porvoo practicing trimming at different power settings. I also tried to tune in Porvoo VOR (a navigation aid that we can tune in and fly to) and I saw the station (it's not that close to Porvoo).

Then we flew back to Helsinki Malmi airport, it was sunny and very much traffic. The radio was very busy and we had to circle around the area east of DEGER three times before we got clearence to join the traffic circuit and then land. I flew all of the time (exept when the instructor wanted to show something) but since we were a little low and a little fast he decided to land.

After the landing, back at the office we decided that I was going to land on my next flight, on the 6th of August.

The cockpit before starting up
Stay tuned!


    Helge Sakkestad

    Welcome to my road-to-PPL blog! First of all, PPL means Private Pilot License for all of you who didn't knew. Second, the language of the blog will be English because of the various nationalities of my friends and readers.

    My name is Helge, and I'm 16 years old. I'm from Norway but I have been living in Finland for about five years. I don't speak Finnish so I do my training in English. Thankfully my flight school is very professional in English. I have been dreaming about flying for a long time! I always enjoyed flying (as a passenger) when I was a little kid, and after I tried Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004 in 2004 I became even more interested. In 2006 many happenings became the start of my huge interest for aviation, and I started to fly FS again after a break caused by the fact that the simulator had some error and was unable to start. I managed to fix it but before that I had already purchased FS98 and FS2002 in the summer. I started to fly more advanced planes in Flight Simulator, and I learned many, many aircraft types so I could recognize the airplanes I saw. Some time after I moved to Finland I really wanted to start flying in a way or another. I was much into ultralights and gliders from time to time, as well as considering PPL. In 2010 I bought the Norwegian "ultralight pack" with theory books because they are the same that is used for PPL training, just a few less books.
    After flying a glider in 2010 I really wanted to start flying gliders but I realized that PPL would be the smartest as my goal is to become a commercial pilot one day, and I always dreamed to fly over my house etc, something that would be impossible in a glider. Also, the PPL hours counts in a totally different way than the hours from gliders and ultralights. But it has its price.

    In December 2011 I was in contact with the flight school, Aeropole, and we agreed to start the theoretical course, shortly followed by the practical course in January 2012. In other words, I started officially with my PPL in January 2012 when the contracts was signed.


    June 2013
    March 2013
    February 2013
    January 2013
    October 2012
    August 2012
    July 2012
    June 2012

